Published papers
with Pablo Muñoz
Journal of Public Economics, forthcoming
We study the impact of a healthcare reform that standardized procedures and guaranteed the timely coverage of a set of diseases. Using Chile’s universe of death records and a difference-in-differences research design, we show that mortality from the diseases covered by this reform decreased by 4.4% and that the impact was larger on diseases more amenable to health care. This effect is not explained by disease-specific shocks or a resource shift from non-covered to covered diseases. Evidence from polytraumatized inpatients suggests that the reform equalized utilization rates as it reduced the dispersion of risk-adjusted surgery rates and spending across hospitals.
with Emma Aguila, William H. Dow, Felipe Menares, Susan W. Parker, Jorge Peniche, and Soomin Ryu
Economics and Human Biology, 2024
Work in papers
Cash Transfers Effect on Older Adult Mortality in Mexico
with William H. Dow
draft upon request
We study the impact of an unconditional cash transfer to alleviate the rural poverty of the older adult population ages 70 and over. Using Mexico’s universe of death records and a triple difference-in-differences research design, we show that mortality from among age-eligible population in localities covered by this program increased by 4.7%. We also find that mortality increase is significantly larger among the poorer population as proxied by being ineligible for formal employment sector social insurance at 7.6% increase in deaths. Work-in-progress is testing the hypothesis that this unexpected result is partly driven by an increase in cardiovascular disease-related deaths, potentially due to increased consumption of obesogenic foods.
The “Staircase” Pattern of Schooling on Longevity: New Evidence for the Absence of a Causal Link
with Ryan D. Edwards and Josh R. Goldstein
draft upon request
We study the relationship between education, income, and longevity in U.S. mortality among males over 65 born in the early 20th century. While each additional year of schooling increases income, improvements in longevity are observed only at key educational milestones—8, 12, and 16 years—creating a “staircase” pattern. This pattern remains consistent across models and does not appear to be influenced by occupational differences. The lack of a straightforward dose-response relationship suggests that longevity benefits may reflect selective factors related to who completes each educational level rather than a direct effect of time spent in school.
with Emma Aguila, William H. Dow, Felipe Menares, Susan W. Parker, Jorge Peniche, and Soomin Ryu
Research on the mortality effects of income-support social insurance programs for older adults has generated conflicting results, but this work has primarily focused on short-run effects. We analyze the older adult mortality effects of Mexico’s pathbreaking Progresa conditional cash transfer social insurance program. We employ difference-in-differences models that exploit the geographic variation in program expansion to estimate lagged effects from one to ten years after increased coverage, focusing on high-poverty municipalities. We find that Progresa substantially reduced mortality in the short-run, particularly among females, with the largest effects after three years. All-cause mortality effects attenuated at increasing lag lengths, with no sustained benefit in ten-year lag models. Results varied by cause of death, though, with long-term benefits of earlier cash transfers sustained for female diabetes mortality even after a ten-year lag.
Work in progress
The Long-Term Health Impact of World War II on Draftees' Wives
This research aims to provide causal evidence on the impact of income shock due to the absence of breadwinners on women's long-term health. We plan to use cohorts of women married before WWII to compare the outcomes of those who got married to men who served in the conflict against those who did not. We will use the CenSoc WWII Army Enlistment Dataset, a cleaned and harmonized version of the National Archives and Records Administration’s Electronic Army Serial Number Merged File, ca. 1938 – 1946 (2002). It contains enlistment records for over 9 million men and women who served in the United States Army, including the Army Air Corps, Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, and Enlisted Reserve Corps. It is a rich source of data on enlistee sociodemographic information, military service, and anthropometry.